11 Cute Dog Costumes for St. Patrick’s Day

With St. Paddy’s Day just around the corner, there will be celebrations of all kinds including ones where you can bring your best little fur friend!

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People who love their dogs know that their four-pawed friend is never far behind and if their human is going to wear Irish celebratory clothes….. then why shouldn’t he/her?

These costume ideas are cute, funny, and have the perfect look for an Irish heritage celebration!

If you want to dress your dog up this Paddy’s Day, but you don’t know where to start, then I hope this list will help you decide and pick out the best doggy clothes for your best little friend!

Since St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, this is the perfect time to go ahead and make your purchases to get them in time for the celebrations!  

Shopping online is a quick and easy way to find what you need and order it so that you can get on to other things or planning your party/event!

Most of these costumes can be delivered in just a few days.

Read on to see my idea list of doggy costumes for St. Paddy’s Day!

Tip: You could even dress your dog up in any of these costumes and host your own St. Paddy’s Day doggy meet-up!  Set it up with your friends and family or invite people in your town together. You can host it at your house or a local park.  Have games or a walkathon that you can all do. You could also have a doggy costume competition. Ask everyone to bring some human and doggy food too!


1. Red-Headed Lassie


2. Irish Fairy

This costume is a small/medium size. You can find the medium/large size here.


3. Leprechaun Doggy


4. St. Patrick’s Day Doggy Dress


5. Pointy Hat

Can be used for dogs or cats.


6. Irish Bandana Scarf



7. Pet Me I’m Irish T-Shirt

Pet Me I'm Irish T-Shirt


8. Kiss Me I’m Irish T-Shirt

KISS ME I'M IRISH St Patricks Day dog clothing


9. Kiss Me I’m Irish & Cute T-Shirt

Kiss Me I'm Irish and Cute! Shirt


10. I’m Not Irish Kiss Me Anyway T-Shirt

Vintage I'm not Irish Kiss Me Anyway Tee


11. Lucky Charm T-Shirt

Lucky Charm Shirt


If you’d like a FREE St. Patrick’s Day printable, you can find it here!  Use this printable as wall art or for your St. Paddy’s event/party — or however you’d like!

I hope you found this post helpful and that it has given you some ideas and cute costumes that you can use this Paddy’s Day!

What are some of your favorite St. Patrick’s Day traditions and where would you take your dog in these costumes?

Have a Happy St. Paddy’s Day 2019!









Kat & Blossom is a lifestyle blog and shop inspired by cozy farmhouse cottage inspo and simple living. Rooted in Christian living, we share ways to simplify your life, add more fulfillment and meaning to your every day, and help you create a home you love. From DIYs, guides, gift ideas, and more, we're your go-to for creating a life that feels warm, purposeful, and completely simple.

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